Brian Croop. SIGMASOFT North America User Meeting. 2015.
September 23, 2015 | by DatapointLabs | views 4510
Thermoplastic materials are one of the largest categories of materials to be injection molded. Moisture-sensitive materials can lead to issues in the molding process. Simulation of the injection molding process requires sophisticated and exact material properties to be measured. This presentation discusses the testing required to characterize a thermoplastic material for use in SIGMASOFT, as well as the effects of moisture on viscosity measurement of a moisture-sensitive material. Consequences of basing designs on wet or dry materials are covered. Implementation of material data into the software to produce a successful injection molding simulation simulation is described.
Brian Croop. SIGMASOFT North America User Meeting. 2015.
Rheology Plastics CAE Vendor/Supplier Injection Molding Nonlinear Material Models SIGMASOFT Presentations
Thermoplastic Material Testing for Use in SIGMASOFT
Material Modeling and Mold Analysis
The Role of Material Data in the Simulation of Injection Molded Parts
Challenges in the Modeling of Plastics in Computer Simulation
Mechanical and Visco-Elastic Properties of UHMWPE for In-Vivo Applications