By Hubert Lobo & Renu Gandhi, Ph.D., Matereality LLC
Presented at the NAFEMS World Congress 2005, St Julians, Malta
May 17, 2005 | by Matereality | views 3719
Virtual product development today has become a complex process involving CAD, FEA, CAE, and physical testing. Material properties form the glue that link the simulation and real life behavior together. Most often, the properties of the materials used in different stages of the product life cycle vary depending on the application. Hence, the engineers and technicians within the enterprise need to have access to not just the simple single point properties that help determine the suitability of a material, but also the more detailed behavioral property data that affect design, simulation and failure analyses. A common platform for the storage and effective deployment of these properties system wide is critical to the efficiency, cost, and quality control through PLM. We present a technology, Matereality that accommodates diverse properties of all the different materials used by an enterprise, its suppliers and collaborators. The cost benefits are immediate, besides improved interoperability and consistency in material data use through the enterprise.
By Hubert Lobo & Renu Gandhi, Ph.D., Matereality LLC
Presented at the NAFEMS World Congress 2005, St Julians, Malta
Matereality Materials Information Management