Eric Strong, Brian Croop, and Hubert Lobo. International LS-DYNA Users' Conference. 2014.
October 08, 2014 | by DatapointLabs | views 4625
LS-DYNA software contains a wealth of material models that allow for the simulation of transient phenomena. The Matereality® CAE Modeler is a generalized pre-processor software used to convert material property data into material parameters for different material models used in CAE. In a continuation of previously presented work, we discuss the extension of the CAE Modeler software to commonly used material models beyond MAT_024. Software enhancements include advanced point picking to perform extrapolations beyond the tested data, as well as the ability to fine-tune the material models while scrutinizing the trends shown in the underlying raw data. Advanced modeling features include the ability to tune the rate dependency as well as the initial response. Additional material models that are quite complex and difficult to calibrate are supported, including those for hyperelastic and viscoelastic behavior. As before, the written material cards are directly readable into the LS-DYNA software, but now they can also be stored and catalogued in a material card library for later reuse.
Eric Strong, Brian Croop, and Hubert Lobo. International LS-DYNA Users' Conference. 2014.
Plastics Rubbers Foams Metals High Speed Testing Injection Molding Nonlinear Material Models Structural Analysis LS-DYNA Composites Presentations
Material Parameter Calibration Services for Abaqus Non-Linear Material Models
Material Modeling and Mold Analysis
Providing an Experimental Basis in Support of FEA
Determination and Use of Material Properties for Finite Element Analysis: Book Review
Comments on the Testing and Management of Plastics Material Data