M. Gupta, Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical (ANTEC) Papers, May 2001, Vol. 47, 794-798.
June 09, 2015 | by PolyXtrue | views 4072
A new elongational viscosity model along with the Carreau-Yasuda model for shear viscosity is used for a finite element simulation of the flow in a capillary rheometer. The entrance pressure loss predicted by the finite element flow simulation is matched with the corresponding experimental data to predict the parameters in the new elongational viscosity model.
M. Gupta, Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical (ANTEC) Papers, May 2001, Vol. 47, 794-798.
Rheology Plastics Extrusion Injection Molding PolyXtrue Research Papers
Effect of Polymer Viscosity on Post-Die Extrudate Shape Change in Coextruded Profiles
Effect of Wall Slip on the Flow in a Flat Die for Sheet Extrusion
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Elongational Viscosity effects in a Coat-Hanger Die
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