Presented by Hubert Lobo at the 12th International LS-DYNA Users Conference, June 2012
June 05, 2012 | by Matereality | views 3965
LS-DYNA contains a wealth of material models that allow for the simulation of transient phenomena. These models are often quite complex and difficult to calibrate. We present CAE Modeler, a generalized pre-processor software used to convert material property data into material parameters for different material models used in CAE. In this paper, CAE Modeler is used to streamline the conversion of rate dependent stress-strain data into material parameters for the MAT_024 material model. The interactive software is capable of handling all three rate dependency options of MAT_024 and outputs a data file that can be read directly into LS-DYNA. Support for other material models is envisaged.
Presented by Hubert Lobo at the 12th International LS-DYNA Users Conference, June 2012
Rate Dependency Nonlinear Material Models Structural Analysis LS-DYNA Papers
A Novel Technique to Measure Tensile Properties of Plastics at High Strain Rates
Determination and Use of Material Properties for Finite Element Analysis: Book Review
The Role of Material Data in the Simulation of Injection Molded Parts
Challenges in the Modeling of Plastics in Computer Simulation
A Robust Methodology to Calibrate Crash Material Models for Polymers