Arun Nair & Anita Bestelmeyer, BD; Hubert Lobo, DatapointLabs. Simulia Customer Conference. 2009.
June 12, 2009 | by DatapointLabs | views 4516
Over the past couple of decades, standard test methods and material models have existed for rubber-like materials. These materials were classified under the category of Hyperelastic materials. Well established physical test methods and computational procedures exist for the characterization of the material behavior in tension, compression, shear volumetric response, tear strength etc. However, effective modeling of the fracture behavior of hyperelastic materials using finite element techniques is very challenging. In this paper, we make an attempt to demonstrate the use of such standard test methods and the applicability of such test data for performing finite element analyses of complex nonlinear problems using Abaqus. Our goal is to demonstrate the effective use of standard physical test data to model multi-axial loading situations and fracture of hyperelastic materials through tear tests and indentation test simulations.
Arun Nair & Anita Bestelmeyer, BD; Hubert Lobo, DatapointLabs. Simulia Customer Conference. 2009.
Rubbers Material Supplier Industrial Goods Nonlinear Material Models Structural Analysis Abaqus Research Papers