Hubert Lobo, DatapointLabs, and Juan A. Hurtado, ABAQUS, Inc. Abaqus User Conference. 2006.
November 15, 2006 | by DatapointLabs | views 4803
A considerable amount of CAE today is devoted to the simulation of non-metallic materials, many of which exhibit non-linear behavior. However, most material models to date are still based on metals theory. This places severe restrictions on the proper description of their behavior in CAE. In this paper, we describe non-linear elastic behavior and its interrelationship with plastic behavior in plastics. Special attention is given to the differentiation between visco-elastic (recoverable) strain and plastic (non-recoverable) strain. The goal of this work is to have a material model for plastics that can describe both loading and unloading behavior accurately and provide an accurate measure of damage accumulation during complex loading operations.
Hubert Lobo, DatapointLabs, and Juan A. Hurtado, ABAQUS, Inc. Abaqus User Conference. 2006.
Plastics Rubbers Aerospace and Defense Automotive Biomedical Consumer Products Material Supplier Toys/Sporting Goods Packaging Home Appliances Nonlinear Material Models Structural Analysis Abaqus Research Papers
A Novel Technique to Measure Tensile Properties of Plastics at High Strain Rates
Simulating Plastics in Drop and Crash Tests
Using an Intermediate Validation Step to Increase CAE Confidence
Determination and Use of Material Properties for Finite Element Analysis: Book Review
A Robust Methodology to Calibrate Crash Material Models for Polymers