Hubert Lobo. EnginSoft Newsletter. 2010.
April 14, 2010 | by DatapointLabs | views 4114
Material testing for simulation is about understanding how to best describe a material’s behavior as input for the CAE code. Such testing requires expertise and experience beyond testing performed in a typical test laboratory; while the test instruments may be the same, the knowledge of CAE and experience with diverse materials is increasingly important. FEA software such as ANSYS is being increasingly used for non-linear simulations. We discuss how DatapointLabs' uncommon material expertise helps you avoid problems when the data is being generated these applications.
Hubert Lobo. EnginSoft Newsletter. 2010.
Comparison of Crash Models for Ductile Plastics
A Novel Technique to Measure Tensile Properties of Plastics at High Strain Rates
A Simplified Approach to the Simulation of Rubber-like Materials under Dynamic Loading
A Robust Methodology to Calibrate Crash Material Models for Polymers
Methodology for Selection of Material Models for Plastics Impact Simulation