S. Kolling, A. Haufe, M. Feucht, P.A. Du Bois
July 27, 2015 | by Paul Du Bois | views 4014
"Reliable prediction of the behavior of structures made from polymers is a topic under considerable investigation in engineering practice. Especially, if the structure is subjected to dynamic loading, constitutive models considering the mechanical behavior properly are still not available in commercial finite element codes yet. In our paper, we present a new constitutive law for polymers which recovers important phenomena like necking, crazing, strain rate dependency, unloading behavior and damage. In particular, different yield surfaces in compression and tension and strain rate dependent failure, the latter with damage induced erosion, is taken into account. All relevant parameters are given directly in the input as load curves, i.e. time consuming parameter identification is not necessary. Moreover, the models by von Mises and Drucker-Prager are included in the description as special cases. With the present formulation, standard verification test can be simulated successfully: tensile and compression test, shear test and three point bending tests."
S. Kolling, A. Haufe, M. Feucht, P.A. Du Bois
Mechanical Plastics Plasticity Rate Dependency Yielding/Failure Analysis Automotive High Speed Testing LS-DYNA Research Papers