Education - qualification
Graduation Nuclear Engineering (1992)
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering / Energetics (1996) – Polytechnic of Milan, Italy.
CAE Engineer at Basell Poliolefine srl, a Company of LyondellBasell Industries,, developing new methods for Polymers Mechanical characterization and Numerical Simulation (2003-present)
Assistant Lecturer at Politecnico of Milan, faculty of Engineering, Energy.Dept., course in Applied Thermodynamics (2012 to present)
Researcher at Pirelli Cables, process modelling and development (1996 to 2003)
June 24, 2016 | by Massimo Nutini | views 5324
Topics covered: Damage in mineral filled polypropylene under impact conditions; damage modeling and parameter identification (prior art, LyondellBasell contributions, debate in the CAE community); experimental and numerical validation; next steps full post
Rate Dependency
Yielding/Failure Analysis
Material Supplier
High Speed Testing
August 26, 2015 | by Massimo Nutini | views 4508
The airbag door system is one of the most delicate aspects in the design phase of a car instrument panel: seamless systems are increasingly used, which combine styling criteria with good functional performances. These systems typically include a tear seam, which may be obtained through laser scoring, to pre-determine the location of the opening during airbag deployment. The design of the scoring line is currently validated through experimental tests on real life exemplars, submitted to airbag deployment, resulting in high development times and relevant costs. This is the main reason which suggests proposing numerical simulation in the design phase, not to substitute actual part homologation by testing but in order to limit the scope and complexity of the experimental campaign, thus reducing the development costs and the time to market. So far, modeling the scoring line has been difficult due to limitations in the testing methods and simulation codes available to the industry. The methodology proposed in this paper takes advantage from the availability of a material law as LS-Dyna SAMP-1, with polymer-dedicated plasticity, damage model and strain-rate dependent failure criteria, which is supported by local strain measurement used for material characterization. The method, here described in detail, is validated on a benchmark test, consisting in the real and virtual testing on a variety of scoring profiles obtained on a polypropylene box submitted to high speed impact test. full post
Yielding/Failure Analysis
High Speed Testing
Research Papers
August 24, 2015 | by Massimo Nutini | views 4601
Optical strain measurement for the mechanical characterization of polymers, and in particular of polyolefins, is becoming a common practice to determine the parameters to be used in a finite element analysis of crash problems. This experimental technique allows measuring the strain locally on the specimen, so that it is particularly suitable when the deformation is localized, as in the case of polymers: therefore a more accurate description of the behaviour of the material is obtained. By so doing, it is possible to describe the material constitutive law in terms of the true, local strain and of the true stress. As these data are those needed by the most complete material models developed for impact calculation, it is clear that this technique is particularly suitable for coupling with the most advanced material models currently available in the F.E. codes, as for instance with Mat 187 (SAMP-1) of LS-Dyna. The local measurement of the strain can also be used for evaluating the volume strain, whose evolution with the increasing strain shows that for PP-based material the deformation is not isochoric in most the cases. The observed increase in the material volume reflects the fact that voids generate and coalesce within the material, possibly resulting in fracture. The measure of the volume strain, computed as the trace of the strain tensor, is here used for determining the damage function utilized by the damage model implemented in SAMP-1. The effective stress is here estimated as the stress which would be measured if the deformation was isochoric, and it can be assessed on the basis of the measurement of the longitudinal local strain only. Corresponding to each value of longitudinal strain, the volume strain is then used to calculate the ratio between the effective and the true stress. Adopting this procedure, the damage function is thus determined without the needs of repeated loading-unloading tests used to derive the damage parameter from the unloading slope, which is furthermore difficult to be measured. As an application, the results of the numerical reproduction of a benchmark test, consisting in a drop test on a polypropylene box, are presented and discussed full post
Rate Dependency
Yielding/Failure Analysis
High Speed Testing
Research Papers
August 24, 2015 | by Massimo Nutini | views 4436
Glass-fiber-reinforced polypropylene (GF PP) materials are increasingly being used by customers to replace metal and engineering polymers in structural automotive applications. Like all glass-fiber reinforced thermoplastics, GF PP products can show anisotropy caused by fiber orientation that is induced by the injection process. Taking into account fiber orientation in the simulations enables designers to improve the accuracy of the analyses. This can help prevent arbitrary choices and assumptions when setting material parameters, which become mandatory when an isotropic material law is used. The method proposed in this paper takes advantage of the availability within Ls-dyna of an anisotropic material law (MAT_103), which allows simplified modeling to address critical issues. This law was not developed to address the problem discussed here.
Therefore, this paper illustrates a simplified approach. The presence of glass reinforced fibers is taken into account by running a mold-filling analysis, and then transferring the material flow orientation in to the structural simulation as a material angle. The dependence of the material failure strain on the material orientation can be also easily modeled through a user subroutine. Finally, the approach only requires simple material data based on basic tensile tests; the material law parameters are then identified through optimization techniques. Although this approach is based on some simplifying assumptions, its application is quick and can help the designer obtain more accurate results with respect to the traditional isotropic approach. A selection of validation tests is then proposed that show reliable predictions using limited additional computational effort. full post
Rate Dependency
High Speed Testing
Research Papers
July 31, 2015 | by Massimo Nutini | views 4288
Questo articolo si propone di illustrare l’importanza dell’utilizzo di metodi per la misura
delle proprietà locali del materiale per determinarne la legge di comportamento.
Vengono di seguito presentati alcuni esempi che evidenziano quanto più accurate
e realistiche siano le simulazioni numeriche di test di trazione ad alta velocità su provini
di poliolefine, quando vengano utilizzate proprietà dei materiali rilevate con misure locali,
utilizzando metodi ottici. La disponibilità di misure locali e più accurate evidenzia come sia
necessario che nei codici di calcolo commerciali vengano implementate delle leggi
di materiale più sofisticate di quelle disponibili attualmente, che sono state per lo più
originariamente sviluppate per materiali metallici, e dunque non riescono sempre a predire
correttamente il comportamento dei componenti in materiali polimerici. full post
Rate Dependency
High Speed Testing
Research Papers
July 31, 2015 | by Massimo Nutini | views 4563
Notwithstanding the increasing demand for polymeric materials in an
extraordinary variety of applications, the engineers have often only limited tools suitable for
the design of parts made of polymers, both in terms of mathematical models and reliable
material data, which together constitute the basis for a finite-elements based design.
Within this context, creep modelling constitutes a clear example of the needs for a more
refined approach. An accurate prediction of the creep behaviour of polymers would definitely
lead to a more refined design and thus to a better performance of the polymeric components.
However, a limited number of models is available within the f.e. codes, and when the model
complexity increases, it becomes sometimes difficult fitting the models parameters to the
experimental data.
In order to predict the polymer creep behaviour, this paper proposes a solution based on
artificial neural networks, where the experimental creep curves are used to determine the
parameters of a neural network which is then simply implemented in an Abaqus user
This allows to avoid the implementation of a complex material law and also the difficulties
related to match the experimental data to the model parameters, keeping easily into account
the dependence on stress and temperature.
After a discussion of the selection of the appropriate network and its parameters, an example
of the application of this approach to polyolefins in a simplified test case is presented. full post
Structural Analysis
Research Papers
"Creep modelling of Polyolefins using artificial neural networks"
Notwithstanding the increasing demand for polymeric materials in an
extraordinary variety of applications, the engineers have often only limited tools suitable for
the design of parts made of polymers, both in terms of mathematical models and reliable
material data, which together constitute the basis for a finite-elements based design.
Within this context, creep modelling constitutes a clear example of the needs for a more
refined approach. An accurate prediction of the creep behaviour of polymers would definitely
lead to a more refined design and thus to a better performance of the polymeric components.
However, a limited number of models is available within the f.e. codes, and when the model
complexity increases, it becomes sometimes difficult fitting the models parameters to the
experimental data.
In order to predict the polymer creep behaviour, this paper proposes a solution based on
artificial neural networks, where the experimental creep curves are used to determine the
parameters of a neural network which is then simply implemented in an Abaqus user
This allows to avoid the implementation of a complex material law and also the difficulties
related to match the experimental data to the model parameters, keeping easily into account
the dependence on stress and temperature.
After a discussion of the selection of the appropriate network and its parameters, an example
of the application of this approach to polyolefins in a simplified test case is presented. to view
"Caratterizzazione di materiali plastici: misure locali di deformazione per la simulazione ad elementi finiti di problemi di impatto"
Questo articolo si propone di illustrare l’importanza dell’utilizzo di metodi per la misura
delle proprietà locali del materiale per determinarne la legge di comportamento.
Vengono di seguito presentati alcuni esempi che evidenziano quanto più accurate
e realistiche siano le simulazioni numeriche di test di trazione ad alta velocità su provini
di poliolefine, quando vengano utilizzate proprietà dei materiali rilevate con misure locali,
utilizzando metodi ottici. La disponibilità di misure locali e più accurate evidenzia come sia
necessario che nei codici di calcolo commerciali vengano implementate delle leggi
di materiale più sofisticate di quelle disponibili attualmente, che sono state per lo più
originariamente sviluppate per materiali metallici, e dunque non riescono sempre a predire
correttamente il comportamento dei componenti in materiali polimerici. to view
"Simulating anisotropy with Ls-dyna in glass-reinforced, polypropylene-based components"
Glass-fiber-reinforced polypropylene (GF PP) materials are increasingly being used by customers to replace metal and engineering polymers in structural automotive applications. Like all glass-fiber reinforced thermoplastics, GF PP products can show anisotropy caused by fiber orientation that is induced by the injection process. Taking into account fiber orientation in the simulations enables designers to improve the accuracy of the analyses. This can help prevent arbitrary choices and assumptions when setting material parameters, which become mandatory when an isotropic material law is used. The method proposed in this paper takes advantage of the availability within Ls-dyna of an anisotropic material law (MAT_103), which allows simplified modeling to address critical issues. This law was not developed to address the problem discussed here.
Therefore, this paper illustrates a simplified approach. The presence of glass reinforced fibers is taken into account by running a mold-filling analysis, and then transferring the material flow orientation in to the structural simulation as a material angle. The dependence of the material failure strain on the material orientation can be also easily modeled through a user subroutine. Finally, the approach only requires simple material data based on basic tensile tests; the material law parameters are then identified through optimization techniques. Although this approach is based on some simplifying assumptions, its application is quick and can help the designer obtain more accurate results with respect to the traditional isotropic approach. A selection of validation tests is then proposed that show reliable predictions using limited additional computational effort. to view
"Characterization of Polyolefins for Design Under Impact: from True Stress/ Local Strain Measurements to the F.E. Simulation with LS-Dyna Mat. SAMP-1"
Optical strain measurement for the mechanical characterization of polymers, and in particular of polyolefins, is becoming a common practice to determine the parameters to be used in a finite element analysis of crash problems. This experimental technique allows measuring the strain locally on the specimen, so that it is particularly suitable when the deformation is localized, as in the case of polymers: therefore a more accurate description of the behaviour of the material is obtained. By so doing, it is possible to describe the material constitutive law in terms of the true, local strain and of the true stress. As these data are those needed by the most complete material models developed for impact calculation, it is clear that this technique is particularly suitable for coupling with the most advanced material models currently available in the F.E. codes, as for instance with Mat 187 (SAMP-1) of LS-Dyna. The local measurement of the strain can also be used for evaluating the volume strain, whose evolution with the increasing strain shows that for PP-based material the deformation is not isochoric in most the cases. The observed increase in the material volume reflects the fact that voids generate and coalesce within the material, possibly resulting in fracture. The measure of the volume strain, computed as the trace of the strain tensor, is here used for determining the damage function utilized by the damage model implemented in SAMP-1. The effective stress is here estimated as the stress which would be measured if the deformation was isochoric, and it can be assessed on the basis of the measurement of the longitudinal local strain only. Corresponding to each value of longitudinal strain, the volume strain is then used to calculate the ratio between the effective and the true stress. Adopting this procedure, the damage function is thus determined without the needs of repeated loading-unloading tests used to derive the damage parameter from the unloading slope, which is furthermore difficult to be measured. As an application, the results of the numerical reproduction of a benchmark test, consisting in a drop test on a polypropylene box, are presented and discussed to view
"Numerical simulation of the laser scoring line behavior in airbag deployment"
The airbag door system is one of the most delicate aspects in the design phase of a car instrument panel: seamless systems are increasingly used, which combine styling criteria with good functional performances. These systems typically include a tear seam, which may be obtained through laser scoring, to pre-determine the location of the opening during airbag deployment. The design of the scoring line is currently validated through experimental tests on real life exemplars, submitted to airbag deployment, resulting in high development times and relevant costs. This is the main reason which suggests proposing numerical simulation in the design phase, not to substitute actual part homologation by testing but in order to limit the scope and complexity of the experimental campaign, thus reducing the development costs and the time to market. So far, modeling the scoring line has been difficult due to limitations in the testing methods and simulation codes available to the industry. The methodology proposed in this paper takes advantage from the availability of a material law as LS-Dyna SAMP-1, with polymer-dedicated plasticity, damage model and strain-rate dependent failure criteria, which is supported by local strain measurement used for material characterization. The method, here described in detail, is validated on a benchmark test, consisting in the real and virtual testing on a variety of scoring profiles obtained on a polypropylene box submitted to high speed impact test. to view
"Damage Modeling under Impact Loading in Talc-Filled Polypropylene Compounds"
crashMAT 2015 presentation to view