Canio Hoffarth, Joseph Harrington, Subramaniam D. Rajan, Robert K. Goldberg Kelly S. Carney, Paul Du Bois, Gunther Blankenhorn
July 27, 2015 | by Paul Du Bois | views 4501
"A general purpose orthotropic elasto-plastic computational constitutive material model has been developed to accurately predict the response of composites subjected to high velocity impact. The three-dimensional orthotropic elasto-plastic composite material model is being implemented initially for solid elements in LS-DYNA® as MAT213. In order to accurately represent the response of a composite, experimental stress-strain curves are utilized as input, allowing for a more general material model that can be used on a variety of composite applications. The theoretical details are discussed in a companion paper. This paper documents the implementation, verification and validation of the material model using the T800-F3900 fiber/resin composite material."
Canio Hoffarth, Joseph Harrington, Subramaniam D. Rajan, Robert K. Goldberg Kelly S. Carney, Paul Du Bois, Gunther Blankenhorn
Mechanical Plasticity Yielding/Failure Analysis Aerospace and Defense Automotive High Speed Testing LS-DYNA Composites Research Papers Validation
Theoretical Development of an Orthotropic Elasto-Plastic Generalized Composite Material Model
A Comparative Review of Damage and Failure Models and a Tabulated Generalization
A Constitutive Formulation for Polymers Subjected to High Strain Rates
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Fracture in Aluminium
Development of Material Input Data for Solid Elements under Crash Loads