Robert K. Goldberg, Kelly S. Carney, Paul Du Bois, Canio Hoffarth, Joseph Harrington, Subramaniam Rajan, Gunther Blankenhorn
July 27, 2015 | by Paul Du Bois | views 4924
The need for accurate material models to simulate the deformation, damage and failure of polymer matrix composites is becoming critical as these materials are gaining increased usage in the aerospace and automotive industries. While there are several composite material models currently available within LS-DYNA, there are several features that have been identified that could improve the predictive capability of a composite model. To address these needs, a combined plasticity and damage model suitable for use with both solid and shell elements is being developed and is being implemented into LS-DYNA as MAT_213. A key feature of the improved material model is the use of tabulated stress-strain data in a variety of coordinate directions to fully define the stress-strain response of the material. To date, the model development efforts have been focused on creating the plasticity portion of the model. The Tsai-Wu development efforts have focused on creating the plasticity portion of the model. The Tsai-Wu composite failure model has been generalized and extended to a strain-hardening based orthotropic material model with a non-associative flow rule. The coefficients of the yield function, and the stresses to be used in both the yield function and the flow rule are computed based on the input stress-strain curves using the effective plastic strain as the tracking variable. The coefficients in the flow rule are computed based on the obtained stress-strain data. The developed material model is suitable for implementation within LS-DYNA for use in analyzing the nonlinear response of polymer composites.
Robert K. Goldberg, Kelly S. Carney, Paul Du Bois, Canio Hoffarth, Joseph Harrington, Subramaniam Rajan, Gunther Blankenhorn
Mechanical Plasticity Yielding/Failure Analysis Aerospace and Defense Automotive High Speed Testing LS-DYNA Composites Research Papers Validation
Verification and Validation of a Three-Dimensional Generalized Composite Material Model
A Comparative Review of Damage and Failure Models and a Tabulated Generalization
A Constitutive Formulation for Polymers Subjected to High Strain Rates
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Fracture in Aluminium
Development of Material Input Data for Solid Elements under Crash Loads